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Mental health and well-being books

The field of mental health and well-being literature is diverse and incredibly rich in ideas, studies and fascinating facts and stories. Discoveries are still being made every day and with so much information and reading options available it can be hard to know where to start. Here you will find a list of our favourite mental health and well-being related reads and those of the many delegates that have attended our courses. 



Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies by Rhena Branch


Depression and Suicide 

Lost Connections by Johann Hari 

Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig 


Mind Management / Self-help 

The Chimp Paradox by Prof Steve Peters

How to be Human by Ruby Wax 

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan J. Jeffers 

The Four Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee



A Path Through the Jungle by Prof Steve Peters

Shine by Andy Cope and Gavin Oattes

Option B by Sheryl Sandberg

Rising Strong by Brene Brown

Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson



Chasing The Scream by Johann Hari 

In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate 


Substance Misuse

Tell Your Children by Alex Berenson



The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk

The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke Harris


Miscellaneous books we like

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown 

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 



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